Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Don't Grow Up

       You know that song from Tangled where she wonders when her life will begin? Well that's me. Except I'm not stuck in a tower away from the world, I'm stuck in my life. See, my generation has grown up with all these amazing dreams and aspirations that we hoped would happen in our lives. All the way from preschool to the time we start our exams when we were 16. 
       But now, a few years later, everyone is slowly seeing that our dreams will never become a reality. All those plans we made, all those visions of our future become blurred when the reality of the real world hits us for the very first time. We realize that we will never become the successful artist that we once thought we'd be. We realize that we couldn't just begin our life after College had finished. We realize that, if our dreams could actually come true, there is a big possibility they won't.       You ask why teenagers are so angry? They are angry at the world. It is around that time when the picture perfect glass smashes and, in front of them, lies a world of hard work, low pay, and crushed dreams. They say that you become an adult when you turn 18, but I disagree. I think you turn into an adult much younger than that. You may still be young or immature at heart, but the teenage boys you see acting out are just trying to cling onto that childish fun until it's ripped from them.
      I think that was the reason why I have loved Peter Pan from a young age. Wendy was me, not wanting to grow up and face the grown up world of etiquette and taxes. I wanted to stay young and, most importantly, free. That is one of the reasons I am writing this. I don't want to grow up. 18 is the age when everyone around you expects you to start the amazing journey into achieving your dream, no matter how impossible it may seem, and are therefore disappointed when they find out you cannot do so. I am at that age, too scared to leave the Waitressing job I have now in fear I will run out of money, and too paranoid that I will become stuck in a dead end job that will ruin any chances of my dreams becoming a reality. People can very easily do this, become too comfortable only working for the money they earn, simply just...being.

      Don't do that. Don't be one of those people who wakes up in their fourties and realizes they have wasted their life being unhappy in a job they needed for income. Break free of the negativity and realize that you can make your dreams happen. Even if you are working a small job on the side until you build up enough experience for your career. Do it. Don't think you can never do it. Stop Listening to everyone's opinions around you because it's yours that counts. Take small steps towards it. Start from the bottom and work upwards, but let me tell you one thing. Do not surrender to the society we live in. Earn a small living from doing the career you love rather than a paycheck from a job you hate. And, most importantly, Don't Grow Up.