Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Don't Grow Up

       You know that song from Tangled where she wonders when her life will begin? Well that's me. Except I'm not stuck in a tower away from the world, I'm stuck in my life. See, my generation has grown up with all these amazing dreams and aspirations that we hoped would happen in our lives. All the way from preschool to the time we start our exams when we were 16. 
       But now, a few years later, everyone is slowly seeing that our dreams will never become a reality. All those plans we made, all those visions of our future become blurred when the reality of the real world hits us for the very first time. We realize that we will never become the successful artist that we once thought we'd be. We realize that we couldn't just begin our life after College had finished. We realize that, if our dreams could actually come true, there is a big possibility they won't.       You ask why teenagers are so angry? They are angry at the world. It is around that time when the picture perfect glass smashes and, in front of them, lies a world of hard work, low pay, and crushed dreams. They say that you become an adult when you turn 18, but I disagree. I think you turn into an adult much younger than that. You may still be young or immature at heart, but the teenage boys you see acting out are just trying to cling onto that childish fun until it's ripped from them.
      I think that was the reason why I have loved Peter Pan from a young age. Wendy was me, not wanting to grow up and face the grown up world of etiquette and taxes. I wanted to stay young and, most importantly, free. That is one of the reasons I am writing this. I don't want to grow up. 18 is the age when everyone around you expects you to start the amazing journey into achieving your dream, no matter how impossible it may seem, and are therefore disappointed when they find out you cannot do so. I am at that age, too scared to leave the Waitressing job I have now in fear I will run out of money, and too paranoid that I will become stuck in a dead end job that will ruin any chances of my dreams becoming a reality. People can very easily do this, become too comfortable only working for the money they earn, simply just...being.

      Don't do that. Don't be one of those people who wakes up in their fourties and realizes they have wasted their life being unhappy in a job they needed for income. Break free of the negativity and realize that you can make your dreams happen. Even if you are working a small job on the side until you build up enough experience for your career. Do it. Don't think you can never do it. Stop Listening to everyone's opinions around you because it's yours that counts. Take small steps towards it. Start from the bottom and work upwards, but let me tell you one thing. Do not surrender to the society we live in. Earn a small living from doing the career you love rather than a paycheck from a job you hate. And, most importantly, Don't Grow Up. 

Friday, 1 May 2015

Study Session Essentials

Now, everyone hates those long, tedious hours of pure revision before an exam, but I am here today to give you a few tips to make your experience bearable.

Comfy clothes!

I know this one may be obvious, but I've had study buddies complaining their jeans are digging into their stomachs etc. We don't need that. Easiest thing to wear is something you feel most comfy in, I usually just don an oversized top, a hoodie and leggings. It may not be the most fashionable outfit in the world but god is it helpful when you're sat down for hours. Oh, and cosy socks. Always cosy socks.


I usually study alone, especially now I am in college and most of my friends do different courses to me. Being in a public or college library is good for references and studying, it's just everyone else that's there that's usually the problem. Grab a pair of headphones and an MP3 player or your phone and jam to tunes while you study, it blocks out the rest of the world and is brilliant.


Or any hot drink, but, being a typical British student, I can't get through the day without at least 5 cups of tea. Grab a travel mug and fill with your favourite hot drink to give you a boost while studying. Believe me it works.

A book

Now, while this hasn't got anything to do with studying, I like to take the book in currently reading with me to study. If you need a short break, or something to do on the bus home, take a book and have some down time. It'll give your brain a rest from studying but you're still using it.


If you don't wear glasses, good for you. But if you do, or have a pair for work, make sure you bring them! Long hours staring at a screen or at a textbook strains your eyes to hell and is so much easier with glasses. This may seem an obvious one again, but I nearly always forget to bring them and then suffer the consequences afterwards.


If it's sunny and you're annoyed you're stuck inside studying...don't! Grab some sunglasses and your work and go outside to study. You can study and get a tan at the same time. It's also a calmer environment and you're not stuck inside some library when it's beautiful sunshine. Especially in England, you have a get in the sunshine while you can before it goes again for another two weeks.


Snacking while studying is a good way to get some energy in you. I usually take a few snack bars and a couple boxes of raisins and spread it out during my session.

Those were just some things that would make your study life a lot easier, but I've got a few tips and tricks to make it easier as well.

Study with a buddy

As I've said, I don't usually study with anyone because my friends don't do my course, but if you share a course with a friend, study together! It's so much more helpful as you can brainstorm questions together and help each other out when stuck

Don't study too late

Everyone's had those late night study sessions, whether in your own room or at a library, but never study too late. As a student you have to make sure you have the right amount of sleep. Sleep also helps you study, which is weird I know. When you sleep after studying, it stores the information you just acquired and helps you remember them more.

Never be afraid to ask

I know, especially with me, I'm quite stubborn about asking for help if I'm stuck. If a lecturer or teacher is nearby and you're stuck, never be afraid to ask, even if you think it's something you should know. It's the lecturer's job to help you remember these things.

Instrumental music good. Lyrical music bad.

This may not necessarily work with everyone, like me, but a lot of people get distracted if their music has lyrics. When you study, stick on an instrumental playlist. There are many good ones on Spotify for free!


Like me, if your eyes get strained and tired when looking at screens for a prolonged amount of time, then this program will help you! It's brilliant. I don't know how much it is, as my college have it already installed in their computers, but it does so much. It can tint your screen a different colour so you're not staring at a pure white screen, which is my saviour for study sessions, it can read your writing back to you to help you proof read, and lots more.


Studying for hours will not make you instantly remember everything. It is better if you give yourself regular breaks to give your brain a rest and to help it store the information. Every half an hour or hour, go for a little walk or go grab a cup of tea and a bite to eat. Believe me, it's such a reprieve in the late night study sessions.

Well, I hope these help you out, if you absolutely hate studying for finals like me, you're going to need it. Just remember, your grades do not define who you are. It's just a piece of paper.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015


Hey guys, I'm sorry I haven't written in a while, I promised myself I would update my two bloggers regularly...bad Bea. Bad.
Although, I do have an excuse. EXAMS. COURSEWORK.THE THINGS THAT ARE RUINING MY LIFE. Urgh. Effort, and responsibilities. I hate those words.
Yeah, college life is getting amazingly stressful at this moment in time. I have 5 weeks to prepare for my Photography and Fine Art exams (which are both 12 HOURS LONG BY THE WAY. 12), which I am not looking forward to.
BUT! All is not lost! After I finish my last exam, which is the 11th of June (lucky me), I am going to be free as a bird. I'm not going to Uni, and am actually going to get on with my life! (yay!)
I am going to have a 'gap year' of sorts, where I work a menial job until I get enough money to go travelling. But, during that time, I will be writing! Getting some freelance writing jobs and also, keeping my bloody blog up to date. Hopefully, around that time, there will be a lot more short stories, or even the beginning of a full story, on my second blog Story of a Tea Loving Teenager.
It's all going for me at the moment, I just have to make my way past all of the inevitable anxiety and panic attacks, migraines and, of course my favourite, mental breakdowns. Fun fun fun.
I'm keeping this short but sweet, because it's like 1:00AM and I had a sudden urge to write something on here.
I would rant about how I absolutely hate the education system, but I'm too tired. Maybe some other time, I'm sure plenty of other opportunities will come up for said subject.
So, there we go. The tea loving teenager's sad little life in a nutshell at the moment: coursework + excuses + constantly tired.
On the plus side, I've found out that drinking tea helps a bit with my migraines, it seems almost mandatory that I must consume at least 20 cups of tea a day...obviously...
So, yeah.
See you guys later (and sorry if you don't here for me until after June 11th (not my fault, it's the education's))